Urban A brief collection of various urban scenes, this work is ongoing.
Minnesota Historical Society Swenson Collection The Swenson Collection stems from a commission from Dr. Greg Swenson, to
capture the essence of rural Minnesota centering around his
boyhood home of Grove City. The collection at the Minnesota History Center is
comprised of
30 - 102 x 242 prints.
Suburban Documentation Project This project was developed between 1990-1996, with writer/architect Frank
Martin. It documents suburban growth in six states, in both small and large
urban centers. Most of the work is residential, however, there are some
shopping malls, industrial and office parks. The architect and I are returning
to this subject with renewed interest in mega schools and churches.
Rural Scenes This work is also ongoing, and represents my dialogue with landscape, both
natural and cultural.
Night Scenes This work is ongoing, and was recently shown with the paintings of Mike Lynch
as a part of the Minnesota Artist Exhibition Program, at the Minneapolis
Institute of Arts. The show consisted of 32 black and white images and as many
paintings of night scenes.
Minnesota 2000 Project A project in which I was one of twelve photographers, to produce a collection
of 30 prints each, describing various topics of change in the state of
Minnesota. My particular topic was the Minnesota River Valley. Ten images from
each photographer appear in a book entitled Minnesota in Our Time,
published by Minnesota Historical Society Press.