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This project was developed between 1990-1996, with writer/architect Frank Martin. It documents suburban growth in six states, in both small and large urban centers. Most of the work is residential, however, there are some shopping malls, industrial and office parks. The architect and I are returning to this subject with renewed interest in mega schools and churches.

The Edge
Eden Prairie, MN 1990

Clearing the New Gated
Community 1993

Patch of Sod
Boise, ID 1995

Stacking Hay and Outlet
Mall, Woodbury, MN 1992

Bringing in the Trees
Woodbury, MN 1992

New Development
Byron, MN 1993

Little House on the
Prairie 1993

The Edge
Prior Lake, MN 1994

Development Approaching
Apple Valley, MN 1994

Sidewalks to Nowhere
Development outside
of Denver, CO 1994