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A project in which I was one of twelve photographers, to produce a collection of 30 prints each, describing various topics of change in the state of Minnesota. My particular topic was the Minnesota River Valley. Ten images from each photographer appear in a book entitled Minnesota in Our Time, published by Minnesota Historical Society Press.

Freshly Seeded Field
near Diamond Lake, MN 1994

Swenson Farm, Out Buildings
Grove City, MN 1994

Oat Field
Kandiyohi City, MN 1994

Town Park
Lake Lillian, MN 1994

Ditch Grass
near Lake Lillian, MN 1994

Swale in Field
near Lake Lillian, MN 1994

Atwater Bait Shop
Atwater, MN 1994

Grove City Elevator
Grove City, MN 1994

Inside Atwater Coop Elevator
Atwater, MN 1994