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A project in which I was one of twelve photographers, to produce a collection of 30 prints each, describing various topics of change in the state of Minnesota. My particular topic was the Minnesota River Valley. Ten images from each photographer appear in a book entitled Minnesota in Our Time, published by Minnesota Historical Society Press.

Freeway ramps leading
to the Mall of America 1999

Blackdog generating plant
Burnsville, MN 1997

D&A Truck line
New Ulm, MN 1998

Campers at a Renville Cty.
Park Near Morton, MN 1998

Migrant workers Fishing
Near Milan, MN 1997

Constructing new dike
near old riverboat landing
Carver, MN 1998

Fishing on the Minnesota
River Near Belle Plain, MN 1998

Conjunction of the Redwood
and Minnesota rivers
Redwood Falls, MN 1997

Cedar Avenue Bridge over
Minnesota River 1997

Cold Spring Granite Quarry
near Ortonville, MN 1997